Saturday, June 19, 2021

Father the Emperor

If The Empress card represents the mother figure in Tarot Deck, the Emperor represents Father figure.

 The emperor is a father who sits on a stone throne, which represents the hardship of life.

 Although it appears that being an emperor is enjoying his throne, his power and authority but the truth is that he is facing hardships of life and trying his level best to protect and provide for his family. The way an emperor is responsible for his kingdom similarly a father is responsible for his family and its members.

The long white beard is a symbol of his wisdom an experience and his golden crown represents his authority.

Although he looks tough from outside but in fact, the emperor is an emotional being.

Same way a father may looks strict from outside but the truth is that his heart is really soft from inside. He appears tough because he wants you to excel in life.

He pretends to be tough because he wants you to learn and face the hardship of the world so he wants you to learn in systematic way.

The emperor shows a system bound by rules and regulations same way a father imposes rules and regulations not because he likes to but because he wants you to learn and lead a disciplined life.

Like in Tarot deck Major Arcana Emperor represents authority in Life Father has the authority.

Father is the pillar of your development. he always provides you feeling of security both physical and emotional. He is affectionate and supportive. 

So in short every father is an emperor who gives you life, who takes care of you and your every need . who is always there to support you to uplift you in your toughest times.

So today, don’t forget to tell your father that you love him, and thanks for being there!

Happy Father’s Day …



Be Blessed Be Happy !