Saturday, June 19, 2021

Father the Emperor

If The Empress card represents the mother figure in Tarot Deck, the Emperor represents Father figure.

 The emperor is a father who sits on a stone throne, which represents the hardship of life.

 Although it appears that being an emperor is enjoying his throne, his power and authority but the truth is that he is facing hardships of life and trying his level best to protect and provide for his family. The way an emperor is responsible for his kingdom similarly a father is responsible for his family and its members.

The long white beard is a symbol of his wisdom an experience and his golden crown represents his authority.

Although he looks tough from outside but in fact, the emperor is an emotional being.

Same way a father may looks strict from outside but the truth is that his heart is really soft from inside. He appears tough because he wants you to excel in life.

He pretends to be tough because he wants you to learn and face the hardship of the world so he wants you to learn in systematic way.

The emperor shows a system bound by rules and regulations same way a father imposes rules and regulations not because he likes to but because he wants you to learn and lead a disciplined life.

Like in Tarot deck Major Arcana Emperor represents authority in Life Father has the authority.

Father is the pillar of your development. he always provides you feeling of security both physical and emotional. He is affectionate and supportive. 

So in short every father is an emperor who gives you life, who takes care of you and your every need . who is always there to support you to uplift you in your toughest times.

So today, don’t forget to tell your father that you love him, and thanks for being there!

Happy Father’s Day …



Be Blessed Be Happy !


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Happy Vesak Day - Budhha Purnima


Vesak (Buddha Purnima, Buddha Jayanti) is a Buddhist festival that marks Gautama Buddha's birth and enlightenment.

Vesak is one of the most important Buddhist festivals. It is a celebration of Buddha's birthday and, for some Buddhists,  marks his enlightenment (when he discovered life's meaning).

The sole purpose of celebrating Vesak is to spread Love , Peace and Harmony.

Buddhist Mantra 

Buddham saranam gacchami - I go to the Buddha for refuge.

Dhammam saranam gacchami - I go to the Dhamma for refuge

Sangham saranam gacchami - I go to the Sangha for refuge.

Meaning of Mantra

This mantra is not for just chanting but it encourages you to investigate your own self. 

Buddha means the one who takes us from the darkness to light , to wisdom , to higher self .

Dhamma means practicing the purity of mind.

Sangha means community where people help and support each other and live in peace and harmony.

It shows that there is there is some bigger higher force and how can we access that higher force and that is by surrendering ourselves to that higher force only that we can attain the true meaning of life.

So on this pious occasion of Buddha Purnima lets promise to ourselves to spread love and harmony to everyone around ourselves. to help those who are in need . Lets  spread joy and happiness.



Be blessed and live happy !

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Mother an Empress


Mother-who is gives you birth, who nurture’s and takes care of you. No matter what she’s always there for you, if its cloudy she is the sunshine, when it scorching hot, she is like a gust of cold wind, when it’s raining worry in your life, she is the one who is always carrying an umbrella of hope for you that all is well. She is the epitome of selfless love and sacrifice. She is the true Empress.

An Empress who represents fertility, fulfillment, productivity, mother figure. An Empress stands for all motherly things. She has nurturing qualities like a mother who lovingly solves all your problems. She is like a mother who believes in giving pleasures of life. She believes in sharing and cherishing everything she has with her loved ones. She believes in harmonizing with natural rhythm.

Have you ever wondered why she is called an Empress? It’s because she has all the qualities of a mother.

So, in short, all mothers are Empresses.

Treat you mother with love and care. Most importantly give her the respect which she truly deserves.


Happy Mother’s Day !



Be Blessed and Live Happy


Friday, December 6, 2019

Tarot a very efficient tool for Self Development

With Today's fast and frantic lifestyle, Tarot is an important tool to refocus and redirect
your life path. When you feel stressed and overwhelmed Tarot reveals your innermost
needs and desires and helps you achieve abundance by bringing clarity, honesty and
reassurance to any situation.

Men and women have consulted tarot readers for hundreds of years and most seek out this form of divination for one reason - guidance and reassurance on major life issues.

It has been seen over the years that it has been most of the time women who find comfort with tarot reading. but as the time is changing so the belief of the people is also changing now a days there is an increasing number of men also who feel comfortable and get reassurance with the help of Tarot Guidance.

Tarot Deck consists of 78 cards which are further divided into 2 Parts.
 The Major Arcana and The Minor Arcana

There are 22 Cards in Major Arcana which are supposed to represent Major issues and Major Events in our lives.

And there are 56 Cards in Minor Arcana which are supposed to represent our day to day issues in life.

It is an undeniable reality that next year this time your life will either be better or it will be worse. It won’t be the same. No matter where you start out in life, you have the potential within you to create a prosperous and gratifying life if you take responsibility for your own happiness and success.

Like other divination ways Tarot is also a very convenient and very powerful as well as useful method or could say is a tool to help yourself . it teaches you how to control your emotions and thoughts and last but not the least it also teaches you the art of understanding, forget and forgiving.

I have found that the Tarot cards are best used to address current issues, or issues that one might face in the short term i.e. within 6 months or so. For longer term forecasting, I would tend to favor astrological charts.

So how can Tarot help you with your self-development, self-empowerment and developing a greater sense of self-love?

Nowadays, Tarot readings can be accessed in many different ways ie: face to face, by phone, email, , online chat etc.

Alternatively, you can buy your own Tarot deck and learn to read the cards for yourself and others
There is a wide range of books , eBook’s , websites which offer you help to learn Tarot..

 A good tarot reading should help you to gain a little more clarity and understanding of your thoughts and emotions about certain issues in your life.

I have found that Tarot often helps people to begin this process of looking inwards, and illuminates the thoughts and emotions that tend to rule their behavior.
By exploring this established and respected form of divination you will begin to discover many wonderful things about yourself and how you interact with other people and the world around you. Maybe, like me, you will find that the Tarot becomes a portal to your journey of self-discovery.
And at last but not least you can also help others by providing them the right guidance through tarot.

Be Blessed and Live Happy !

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Nothing in life is permanent

Nothing is permanent neither the sorrow nor the happiness

The Buddhist Philosophy

As per Buddhist cycle of life, death and rebirth are the part of the soul’s journey without beginning or end. Same as the shape of a wheel where is the starting point and where the end  point no one knows.

Bhagvad Geeta Philosophy

Same in   Bhagvad Geeta Lord Krishna Says “ As a person puts on new garments giving up old ones similarly the soul changes the old bodies to new material bodies.


If we see both Buddhist and Bhagvad Geeta philosophy  the cycle is not of the journey  of life and death, it is not the death of body or soul because through this example the lord explains that in life nothing is permanent neither the grief nor the happiness what has come has to go , the way a body has come to life has to meet an end same way  everything has an end. From human body, to right and wrong situations to good and bad experiences to human emotions.
We can’t always be sad neither we can always be happy . Good times and bad times both are the two sides of one coin. And it is not possible to live with only one. But this is we humans tendency that when we are in bad time we forget the god has also given us good moment in life to cherish so why worry in bad times  why should we curse god. Because to value something in life it is necessary to feel the absence of that thing in life, cause when we get everything without even asking for it we start taking it for granted. So the god has his own ways to teach us the importance of a beautiful journey called life.

 Same in Tarot Through wheel of fortune it tells us

It says what has come up has to go down and what has gone down will surely come up. showing the ability to close and finish. Accept whatever life brings to you. If you are facing some critical time, I will not say bad time because in tarot nothing is bad because these critical time in your life is there to teach you something so be brave and fight with whatever the situation is fight like a warrior then even the bad will sound good to you, because these times are there as a teacher of life to teach us something. And when you are in good phase of life then enjoy each and every moment of it as if there is no tomorrow.
This is what Tarot teaches us this is what the lord himself teaches us to be brave and kind, live life as a beautiful dream  and cherish each and every moment and take every challenge of life which life throws at you not as a curse but as a Lesson which you need to learn.

Hope you find the write-up interesting , pls do share your comments as they are valuable to us.


Friday, November 15, 2019

Light on Tarot

What is Tarot Reading ?

In most people's minds, "Tarot card reading" means a woman in flowing robes, leaning over a small table in a candlelit room, foretelling impending doom. But that's not really what Tarot cards are about. In fact, they're not even really meant to tell your fortune or future.
The Tarot is a powerful tool for gaining insight into yourself and your life. As with many techniques that are used for self-improvement, Tarot is one of them.

How does Tarot work?

It helps you create your future through Knowledge, Empowering and enlightening, you will learn how to actively fight with your problems and create incredible outcomes. Tarot can change your life by making you aware of your choices and options in your life.

The Tarot has benefits and limitations. While it can do quite a lot for you, it cannot solve all problems, and is not designed to make decisions for you or tell you what to do.
A Tarot reading is like a snapshot of what your life looks like at the time of the reading. The cards tune into your energy - the person asking the question - to give you a picture of unseen influences, patterns of behavior, obstacles, and strengths. A reading can give you an idea of where you are now, where you've come from, where you want to be, and how to get there.

Tarot doesn’t tell your future:-

While Reading the cards they get tuned into your energy and gives suggested actions to take and a likely outcome if you take them, it does not predict the future.

Why you should get your Tarot Card Reading done?

Getting your Tarot Card Reading done will not only be informative for you but it also reveals what’s going in your life at the time of reading and how can you take precautionary measures to avoid such situations which are going to harm you or loved ones in any sense.

Tarot is here to guide you to help you in taking some important decisions of your life. That is why it is very important how we stat our question while getting the reading done.

So, when you get your Tarot Reading done just keep few simple things in mind.

  • Keep your mind open – If you are going to get your reading while having certain doubts or you think you already know the answer and halfheartedly getting your reading done then you are just narrowing the scope for yourself only.
  • Focus on question – Focus on a particular question just don’t get diverted. Don’t just look at one aspect of your issue. Think of   a way to look more broadly at it.
  • Just stay neutral- when getting your reading done just stay neutral don’t get biased towards the other party.
  • And Be Positive- this is one big thing which you always should follow. Be Positive. Instead of focusing on the issue focus on the reason of the particular issue. For example- Why it happens think of the reason why it happened like this only why not the other way round.

A person may desires Tarot Reading for the various issues, sometimes they can be major or some times just simple day to day issues. Having a Tarot reading done will only help you get the insight of your own self. It helps you in finding more options to solve your life problems.

Hope you find the post informative and exciting.
Feel free to share your views as well.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Full Moon : Tarot and Life

What is the relationship between Tarot and Full moon.

Have you ever wondered why Tarot Card Reader emphasis on charging the Tarot Deck on Full moon,
Well if you dont know then here is the answer to your question.

The moon phases are like the wheel which resembles the same ups and downs of human life. It shows that after every dark night there is a new beginning , so what if the problems in your life are growing, don’t be afraid face them because what ever it is it cannot be permanent, some day it has to end just as after the dark night, slow and steady there is a full moon night.
Similarly  the Tarot represents Life, it represents patience, transformation, integration.
It teaches you the process of degeneration and generation,.
And when there is full moon night it asks you to rest , to mediate, talk to your unconscious mind. Only then you will become more attentive of your inner needs, only then your will understand the value of light after the dark.
A new moon is considered a time of new beginnings and re-evaluation.
The is why on the this auspicious night we cleanse and energize our cards so that they get the new life full of energy and guide us with there power of understanding a human mind.
